Cllr. Cormac Devlin, "Saint Michaels", Glenageary Avenue, Dún Laoghaire, Co. Dublin
Telephone: +353 (1) 275 0786 Email
March 2006
Council officials announced their plans for Clonkeen Road and the proposed Cycle Track for same. Please see the report that was given at the March meeting on the topic:
Proposed Cycle Track Scheme – Clonkeen Road
The scheme: -
Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council (DLRCC) proposes to install mandatory on-road cycle tracks along both sides of Clonkeen Road. This scheme will run from the N11 junction to the Kill Lane junction. The route is part of the Strategic Cycle Network (SCN) as identified by the Dublin Transportation Office (DTO). It forms an essential link to the local centres of Deansgrange and Kill O’ the Grange as well as to several schools.
Links/tie-ins will be formed with cycle tracks along: -
N11 [existing, part of SCN]
Meadow Vale Park [existing, part of SCN]
Kill Lane [proposed, part of SCN]
Deans Grange Road [part of SCN]
Details: -
The proposed scheme will involve the introduction of 1.5m wide, mandatory (along most of Clonkeen Road), red coloured, on-road cycle lanes on both sides, over approx. 1.4km (in each direction) as shown on the drawing TT-164-01-05 (to be provided at the meeting). The cycle track(s) will tie-in with existing and proposed facilities. It will have full-width advanced stop lines at both ends (at signalised junctions). Side road junctions with Clonkeen Road will be equipped with stop lines and signs, improving the current conditions.
Advantages of the proposed scheme: -
The road section reserved for motorised vehicles will be narrowed, resulting in a traffic calming effect.
The proposed cycle tracks will link with existing and proposed cycle facilities, aiding in the development of the envisaged cycle network.
The introduction of dedicated cycle lanes will create visual segregation of traffic flows (motorised and cyclists) and increase the safety of cyclists noticeably.
The provision of these cycle tracks will encourage more parents to let their children cycle to the various schools in the area.
There will be no loss of priority for cyclists.
More people will be encouraged to cycle rather than use their cars, decreasing pollution, queues and fossil fuel consumption while increasing healthy exercise.
Improved signage regarding cyclists and roundabouts will be introduced.
The scheme will also improve cycling north-south cycling connections between the N11 and the Deans Grange/Kill O’ the Grange areas.
Residents’ parking will not be negatively affected, as sufficient spaces exist along service and side roads as well as driveways.
Disadvantage of the proposed scheme: -
The road width reserved for motorised vehicles will effectively be narrowed, reducing the space available for simultaneous turning movements and through traffic, resulting in slight occasional delays.
Progress: -
Subject to funding it is now proposed to invite tenders for the scheme and to commence works on site during summer 2006.”
Following a discussion where Mr. J. Craig, Senior Executive Engineer, responded to Members queries, the report was NOTED.